Minimalist Homeschooling: Simplifying in the New Year
Wednesday, 12 January 2022
If you are feeling overwhelmed in your homeschool, consider minimalist homeschooling. Collecting quality resources for when it is needed can be a blessing in your homeschool. Still, it can also become a curse when the collection begins to grow and is then forgotten like the fruitcake left in the fridge at Christmas time. It
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Let’s Get Organized, Mama
Monday, 10 January 2022
Hey Mama, I once heard something freeing. It sounded like this: Organization is not an end goal; it is a continual action. It is not something you attain; it is something you continue to pursue. So, for those of you who think you have to “get organized” before you can feel confident about
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Oh, Lord! Who Am I? What Am I Doing?
Friday, 07 January 2022
Who am I? What in the world am I doing? Those incessant, unanswerable questions reverberated through my consciousness like an endless ping-pong game. Every new homeschool day began with a question of conscience and disorientation: What am I supposed to be doing today? My first year of homeschooling, I set out to discover some
- Published in - Character Development, - Christian Upbringing, Articles, Blog