Homeschool Curriculum to Make Learning Spanish Fun
Friday, 27 August 2021
I have always wanted to learn Spanish. I took two years of high school Spanish, and then after college, I married the son of Colombian immigrants. My in-laws frequently conversed in Spanish with my husband, leaving me to rely on what I could recall from almost ten years earlier. Living in a culturally diverse
- Published in Articles, Blog, Foreign Language, Unit Study
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The Value of a Roadside Stand for Homeschoolers
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
The past several years, my kiddos have asked to have a roadside stand, but we only had a small garden which was just enough for us and to share a little with neighbors. Well after years of asking, we decided it was a great year to expand our garden and give the kiddos an
- Published in - Family, - Resources, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Just Breathe, Mama
Monday, 23 August 2021
Hey Mama, This is the day that the Lord has made! You are still breathing, and that’s a good thing. Your children are healthy and whole. They ate today. Your lights are still on, and as of this minute, there is gas in your car! There will be dinner on the table tonight.
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Top Tips for Homeschooling Introverts
Friday, 20 August 2021
As an introverted mom of two introverted sons, I have learned many lessons over the past fourteen years of homeschooling. Several of these lessons were learned the hard way with disappointment, tears, and regret. If you have an introverted child, here are my top tips for homeschooling introverts. Avoid Comparison If your introverted child
- Published in - Character Development, - Family, - Resources, Articles, Blog