My 11-year-old son doesn’t enjoy reading yet and often dislikes writing assignments. We have to get creative, don’t we? And what is it about these kids that makes them want to negotiate over every subject? Yesterday, he asked me if he could replace his science reading for watching a documentary on lions. I said, “Sure,

Spiritually We Will Look Like Aliens

  The first time I went to Mexico, it was to take classes from Wichita State University. I went to Puebla, Mexico, to earn college credits and to immerse myself in Hispanic culture. It was a lot of fun and an experience that I will never forget, but it came with a high price. There
  Homeschool lesson planning for large families does not need to be difficult. When you look at the size of your family, focus on how it is a joy and a blessing to be able to educate them at home. You have been blessed with these gifts so enjoy them! When you begin to look
  Right now, it is very loud at my house! The kids here are playing a game together with our kids from California that have come for a visit. Though it is loud, I wouldn’t have it any other way. But there are times I long for quiet. I mean really crave it. It is

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).