How to Find the Homeschool Group Perfect for Your Family
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
If you are on the hunt for a quality homeschool group to attend, know this—not all homeschool groups are equal. Trust me; this is a good thing. What works for one homeschooling family simply may not work for another, and that is okay. This is one of the main differences between public education and
- Published in - Faith, - New to Homeschooling, Articles, Blog
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Hey Mama Monday: Teach The Constitution From A Christian Perspective, Mama
Monday, 21 June 2021
Hey Mama, What a crazy world we live in! Seen the news lately? Disasters, riots, trials, and tribulation all seem to be the “new normal” these days. The Bible tells us trials will come and go. Some last longer than others, and some are so painful you cannot breathe. It’s easy to ask, “WHY,
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, - Faith, - Family, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Gotta Love It
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Love means lots of different things to different people. For some, it’s the feeling between a boyfriend and girlfriend. For married couples, it’s usually something much more serious. When people share wedding vows, they promise to be together forever, “till death do us part,” in the good and the bad, no matter what. For
Teach History Starting With Genesis
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
I started college in the early 1980s as a young believer enthusiastically reading my Bible each day. As a nursing major, I was bombarded with evolution in all my classes. Without anyone telling me, I knew the Bible taught that God created the world in 6 days. Jesus even mentioned it! I was confused.
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, - Faith, Articles, Blog