Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Make Technology Work for You, Not Against You
Monday, 14 June 2021
One of the prophecies of the end times is that knowledge would increase (Daniel 12:4). In my lifetime, just in the area of music, we have gone from listening on the radio then to record players, eight tracks, cassettes, CDs, and now to streaming music through a myriad of devices. And that is just
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, - Faith, - Family, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Blossom With True Learning
Thursday, 10 June 2021
One of my very favorite things as a mom is to watch the love of learning in my children. Sometimes it’s through something I introduce to them, and sometimes it’s just something they discover on their own, but either way it’s up to me whether or not I encourage that growth and exploration. My
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, - Family, - Fun Ways to Learn, Articles, Blog
High School Planning Resources For Homeschoolers
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
When I began high school planning for the first time in my homeschooling career, it honestly was not that bad. As I watched my kids run around the playground throughout the early years, a sense of dread lingered in the back of my mind when it came to planning for the high school years.
- Published in - College, - Planning and Organization, - Resources, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Do You Need Help?
Monday, 07 June 2021
I have been homeschooling since the birth of my firstborn son who is now 29 years old. That is a lot of years! You would think I would have a handle on home education. To be fair, I know what kids need at certain years; I know how to keep records and create transcripts;