Hey Mama Monday: Travel Tips for Homeschoolers, Mama
Monday, 26 April 2021
Because of home education, we have the freedom to travel any time of the year or any day of the week. Some families have well-planned travel ideas, and some families are very spontaneous. It can be refreshing to get out, even if you bring the school books with you! Over the years, we learned
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Sneaky Schooling
Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Years ago, I heard about a newly released cookbook. The book focused on methods to sneak fruits and vegetables into recipes. The premise was that if you secretly hid healthy ingredients in recipes, then your family, especially your children, would consume more fruits and vegetables in their diets without even knowing it. The idea
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Creative Ways to Make Learning Spanish Fun for Homeschoolers
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
When I first thought about trying to teach a foreign language in my homeschool, I thought that it would be impossible. I mean, I don’t speak another language fluently, not even close. The only remembrance that I had of foreign language class was a teacher that seemed way too into the language that she
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, - Resources, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Arts and Crafts for the Non-Artsy Homeschool Mom
Monday, 19 April 2021
Arts & Crafts: My heart sinks when I think about leading or even participating in such activities. I’m so uncreative when it comes to art, and the idea of crafts is on par with going to the dentist. And I don’t like the dentist’s chair. I wish I loved going to the dentist or
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, - Fun Ways to Learn, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday