virtual homeschool conferences
  Conventions are overwhelming and wonderful. I’m an annual convention attendee myself, but I have met many families who are not a fan of crowds and would prefer a virtual homeschool conference. As much as I would love to sell you on the idea that attending a convention in-person is the way to go, it
why homeschool
  For those days when you can’t remember why you are homeschooling and you think about saying these two words, “I QUIT!”–I have a list of 25 reasons to help you remember why you are homeschooling and why not to give up:   25 Reasons Not to Give Up God’s grace is sufficient; His power

Homeschooling Through the Hard Times

homeschooling hard times
  Let me begin by saying that I hope you never need this information. Homeschooling through a family emergency, medical crisis, or other hardship isn’t something I’d wish on anyone. However, if you find yourself in that position, here’s how to homeschool through hard times.   Homeschooling When Life Is Tough We all have bad

Creating A Gorgeous Homeschool Spring Garden

homeschool garden
  I’m going to be open and upfront here…I don’t like winter!  I’m sitting here right now watching it snow and thinking, man, I’m ready for spring and planting my garden. How about you?  It’s been so cold and nasty out that my kids are playing inside, and quite frankly, they’re going stir crazy.  What’s

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).