Boundless Biology

The field of biology seems almost boundless in its ability to teach us new things about life. Once we feel we have a handle on something, a new discovery is made. High school students have the opportunity to participate in a full year of Biology with Ruth Sundeen here on Ruth approaches biology from a Christian worldview and discusses the Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, cellular respiration and reproduction, evolution/creation, Kingdom Animalia, Kingdom Fungi, and Kingdom Plantae. She also details a few dissections, with her own pictures. This eight-month course includes hands-on activities, easy labs, quizzes, and more. Elementary students can enjoy biology as well in Bug Science with Rosemarie Pagano. This course discusses the biology of worms and their role in environment. Specifically, these fourteen lessons discuss good and bad worms, vermicomposting, tapeworms, flukes, leeches, and entomophagy. You will learn more about bugs than you ever cared to know (but the kids will love it!).
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC