Bringing Home Baby, Again

Is homeschooling doable for my family? I think that is a question a lot of parents are asking. Especially, when it comes to milestone growth levels. Also at age of entering formal education, middle school, high school, lifestyle changes, etc. It is not only doable; it is amazingly rewarding in layers of ways, in many or most situations. Often others may have to pitch in; grandparents, older siblings, hired tutoring. But homeschooling can be molded around your specific needs, even if you aren’t the only teacher you are still deciding the style, pace, curriculum, and most critical needs of your children.
Sometimes, after visiting with parents that want to homeschool, I notice that they are concerned that they will not be able to homeschool properly. Yes, you certainly can! You trusted yourself to bring that baby home the first time. To nurture, protect, and yes, teach; you are your child’s first teacher. You can trust yourself to keep that baby at home and continue the learning journey.
I hope that this article is encouraging in multiple ways. Wherever you are, whatever you have been doing or are planning on doing; I want to embolden you to follow your instincts, especially concerning your children. No matter what you decide is best for your family I hope to champion you in your decision.
And when the tears well up and your chest feels heavy, because you think that everything that’s going wrong is because of you, know this; I tried my best, I gave it my all. I followed my heart, and I pushed on, even when others thought I couldn’t or wouldn’t. Why? Because I love, that’s why. I love my kids, I love our family, I love our now, and I have hope for our future. I have hope for my neighbor’s future; I have hope for our countries future. Even if no one agrees with what I believe in.
Sometimes the only consultation when things aren’t perfect or what we think of as perfect is that we did what we thought was best, and we did it the best we could.
Be true, be you. Love, live. Really live, if that means making mistakes, smile anyway. If you fall you fall, have a hand ready when the next guy falls and be thankful for the hand that’s there for you, wherever it is.
Pry. Always pray about everything and believe it. It’s true, always there. In the middle of the night, in the darkness beside your bedside, in the hallway outside your child’s door, in the driver’s seat, and with every step you take.
Hang on and rejoice, because every seed you plant bears fruit. Your kids are your first mission field, and you will rejoice in times to come.
Sonya Payne is a blessed, happy, homeschooling momma of four! Her school theme has always been, “that they learn to love learning!” Sonya is excited to be a part of The Schoolhouse Writers team and is currently pursuing publishing and licensing. She is passionate about art and writing which has been passed onto her children. When not writing and creating art she loves ranching and exploring nature with her family in their mountain home.