C is for…

C is not for cookie this time. It is for Chemistry, Classical Archaeology, and College Choice Guidance. Though each of these classes has been completed, they are still available on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Joey Hajda taught four months of Chemistry from February through May 2014. He discussed topics such as electrons, quantum mechanics, ionization energy, atom size, and determining charges. Regan Barr taught Classical Archeology. This is an exceptional class in which students can learn about the Pantheon, the Parthenon, the Basilica, and the Theater, as well as the original Olympics and the public and private life of those who lived in Pompeii. College Choice Guidance with Denise Ames is a helpful resource, especially for those with high school juniors and seniors. Each week of the month has a particular focus. In week one, she encourages students to think positively and focus on what is most important. In week two, students are expanding their brain power. Week three focuses on financial aid, and a list of potential scholarship opportunities is available. Week four has students looking at future trends in various professions. College is something even younger kids can be thinking about, so assignments are provided every week for kids of all ages.
Tammie Bairen
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
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