Capturing the Moment

Have you seen our ever-expanding photography gallery? We’re regularly adding photographs taken by students like yours so others can learn from their successes and share their accomplishments. You don’t have to be a member to enjoy the gallery. Simply click on the student photo gallery and enjoy! If you’d like to join Michelle Peterson’s eight-month course, it’s not too late! You can join today and start whenever you are ready. All lessons are fully archived, so you’re never behind. Just be sure not to take her course on an empty stomach—this week’s topic is food photography!
If you’re looking for another way to preserve memories and create art, check out Evonne Mandella’s Experience Videomaking and filmmaker George Escobar’s Filmmaking classes. Both will teach you hands-on steps to creating memorable videos, whether you want to improve your videographer skills as a hobby or in preparation for a career in filmmaking.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
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