Family Fitness
Thursday, 01 November 2018
Many would agree, and say, that they believe fitness is good for their health and well-being; but only about half of us exercise three or more days a week. Fitness increases lung capacity, muscle tone, and blood flow. It stimulates your brain, sharpens listening skills, and improves problem-solving skills. Fitness delays age-associated memory loss.
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Visiting the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Canada is home to the third largest Ukrainian population in the world, behind the Ukraine itself and Russia, so their immigration into Canada is very important to our country’s history. So, on a recent road trip to Edmonton, Alberta, we decided to make a visit to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village. Arriving at the
The Influence of Hannah Thornton Wilberforce – Part Two
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Billy was hastily brought home, much to the dismay of nephew and aunt. When Grandfather Wilberforce caught wind of the threat, his consternation was so great, he threatened, “If Billy goes Methodist, he will see no sixpence of mine.” Aunt Hannah begged her sister-in-law to change her mind, no doubt sensing (and correctly so)
The Influence of Hannah Thornton Wilberforce – Part One
Monday, 29 October 2018
In the Western Ghats of India, a rare phenomenon transforms these mountains into a treasure trove of beauty. The kurinji flowers, with their petite blue bells, cascade down the heights into the plains below like a royal waterfall of every hue of purple-blue. Their beauty, however, is not what makes them famous, as much
Lord, Make Me A Servant
Friday, 26 October 2018
Each day, I pray for the Lord to show me where I may be lacking as a mom. A while back, I was convicted about how my children acted when they were asked to do things for others. As we train our children to do chores and to help others, we must also teach
- Published in - Character Development, - Christian Upbringing, Articles, Blog
Pontius Pilate and George Washington
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
For millennia, the Bible was read and taught by Christians as a historical book. Before then, the Jews held the Torah as not only sacred, but their own historical narrative, questioning the historical record and figures of Adam, Noah, Job and Abraham no more than Americans question our history of John Adams, Nathaniel Green,
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
A Dad’s Role in Homeschooling
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
When I was an elementary school teacher, the school district set the curriculum and pacing guide. As a homeschool mom, the idea of planning my daughter’s curriculum was daunting, at first. I thought about what I wanted Clarissa to learn before she graduated from our household. I asked my husband, Tim, what he thought