You ARE a Good Mom
Saturday, 06 October 2018
Our culture in America right now puts a lot of pressure on moms, in spite of all the pushback from real life. The list of unspoken rules that signify being a “good mom” are endless, yet viciously wounding. If you polled 100 moms today, I expect the majority would produce quite a few things
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, Articles, Blog
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What I Wish I Would Have Learned Before I Began Homeschooling – Part One: Boundaries With Children
Friday, 05 October 2018
When I was preparing to begin homeschooling, I knew that I would need some kind of curriculum, school supplies, a plan and a method. However, once I was in the thick of it, I realized there was one area where I was desperately unprepared: setting boundaries. Years ago, a Christian counselor recommended a book
The Importance of Sleep in Your Child’s Learning
Thursday, 04 October 2018
Sleep is crucial for a child’s growing brain. Studies have found that a good night’s rest can have a massive impact on a child’s ability to develop and ultimately find success in the classroom. In fact, simply getting an extra 18 minutes of sleep a night can have significant effects on an elementary student’s
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - Health, Articles, Blog
Write The Essay
Wednesday, 03 October 2018
We homeschoolers are an odd bunch. We sometimes think that because we can do something means that we should do something. This reminds me of 1 Corinthians 10:23: “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.” Quite often, we
- Published in - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Teachers are Seed Planters
Tuesday, 02 October 2018
As I glanced over at my garden this morning, something caught my eye. I could see what appeared to be a flower blooming next to the arbor. I thought for certain I was mistaken, since I had not planted anything in that spot this year or last year. I went over to investigate. To
- Published in - Character Development, - Christian Upbringing, - Family, Articles, Blog
Five Teachable Moments for Using Math Skills
Monday, 01 October 2018
As homeschooling educators, we have a unique opportunity to seize “teachable moments” in our everyday routines to reinforce math skills with our students. Whether you homeschool kindergarteners or fifth graders, you can find plenty of ways to incorporate math skills into your day-to-day activities. Check out these five tips below: Telling Time Practice telling
- Published in - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Nourishing Your Heart Will Make You Happier in Your Homeschool
Saturday, 29 September 2018
A step-by-step guide to taking care of your heart Our culture is rooted in dissecting things into different bits. While this may have been helpful at one point in history, when we were still attempting to understand many things, it has never been the way toward wholesomeness. If we want to be healthy and
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, Articles, Blog
Ideas for Any Homeschool History Class
Friday, 28 September 2018
History. Woo-hoo! I love the subject. Even though my major in college was Early Childhood Education, all my electives were historical in nature. ‘Cause every kindergartner needs to know about the Revolutionary War. I’m always surprised when I come across folks who shudder when recalling their own experiences with history in school. I am