Hey Mama Monday: God Is Behind You All The Way
Monday, 10 September 2018
“Plagues and deaths around me fly, Till he commands I cannot die; Not a single arrow can hit Till the God of love sees fit.” – John Ryland Hey Mama, If you are living in fear, you must do a Google search on “Charles Spurgeon and fear”. Read what this preacher shared so
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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The Changing Nature of Our Kindergarten
Saturday, 08 September 2018
Clarissa and I did a preschool curriculum together, last school year. She really liked it in the beginning, and then started to lose interest in April, so we stopped. By May, she was asking to do “real school” at home, so I planned a June start to kindergarten. I wanted to start slow and
Dedicate the School Year to the Lord
Tuesday, 04 September 2018
I can get so busy making schedules, cleaning out school totes, and organizing books, that I forget to stop and dedicate my school year to the Lord. Whoops! Jesus First In my life, I am learning that what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 is true: if I seek first His Kingdom, then everything I
Hey Mama Monday: You Don’t Always Have To Feel Like Ruth
Monday, 03 September 2018
Hey Mama, You are like Ruth, faithful. You are like Esther, courageous. You are like Martha, a servant. You are like Mary, a student of the Lord. You are like Deborah, brave. You are like Eve, fruitful. You are a Mama and a wife. A care-taker, cook, teacher, lover, tear-wiper, heart-keeper. It’s a complex,
- Published in - Faith, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Tips to Plan and Initiate Your Homeschool Schedule
Saturday, 01 September 2018
Many who know me, know I am a planner. So, it is very easy for me to plan our homeschool days. But many have asked how I plan and initiate our homeschool schedule. Allow me to share three tips that have worked for our family. 1. SCHEDULE YOUR SCHOOL TIME I write everything down
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog