Teaching on Historical Figures Like Scripture Does – Part One
Wednesday, 08 August 2018
There are three pillars of the scriptural view of history: God is the center character, Scripture promises a hopeful end from the beginning, and Scripture teaches history in the context of individual men and women in their relationships to God as the center character. In the next several articles, we’ll discover how to teach
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Tips for Making the Most of Teachable Moments During Your Summer Vacation
Tuesday, 07 August 2018
Summer is in full swing and many of us are looking forward to a week away, whether that’s at a family camp, Grandma’s place, or further afield. Our family enjoys road trips and camping during the summer. While we may be away from home, we don’t need to be away from school. Here are
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog
Shark Free Resources
Monday, 06 August 2018
Start off your school year with something fun! Why not a shark theme? Here is a list of free shark resources to get your school year started off right.
- Published in - Resources, Articles, Blog
The Importance of Drinking Water
Friday, 03 August 2018
Water, water everywhere, / Nor any drop to drink Lines from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The speaker, a sailor on a ship, is surrounded by salt water that he cannot drink. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed when I am told how much water I should be drinking for optimum
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - Health, Articles, Blog
Shark Recipes
Thursday, 02 August 2018
CAKE BATTER SHARK BAIT This sweet and salty treat is something you’ll want to chow down on—a perfect snack while learning about sharks. SUPER QUICK and EASY to make. SchoolhouseTeachers.com has hundreds of courses (including some that feature sharks) and ten libraries of World Book Online content. GRAB 2 YEARS right now during our Back-to-Homeschool
Sharks and Fish and Rays, Oh My!
Wednesday, 01 August 2018
Whether your kids are in elementary or high school, aquariums are a wonderful family experience. Your kids won’t even mind that they’re learning!
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog
Do You Need a Preschool Curriculum?
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Choosing a curriculum can seem like a daunting task, but sometimes the task is not even necessary. Before learning about and entering the world of homeschooling, my son attended a public preschool for a few hours each week. I thought that’s what you were “supposed” to do when your child reached a certain age.
- Published in - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
10 Summertime Music Ideas
Monday, 30 July 2018
Summer is the perfect time to incorporate music into your daily routine. Whether your children are already taking music classes or lessons, or have never heard a piece of classical music, these 10 ideas will have you singing and dancing all summer long! 1. Dance to the Music In our family, there is nothing
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog