Summer Vacation
Friday, 22 June 2018
Do you take a summer break from school or a summer vacation? Does it really matter which one you call it? I’m going to draw on my 15 years of home education experience and say, “Yes—it matters!” A summer break connotes (implies) a lull in activity, a break from the traditional bookwork, and maybe
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, Articles, Blog
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Teaching History Like Scripture Does – Part Three
Thursday, 21 June 2018
As we move from our introduction into our first case study teaching history like Scripture does, I highly encourage you to pause, reach for your Sword of the Spirit, and follow with me. While space does not allow me to insert all the Scripture we will cover, the key verses will be only understood
Teaching History Like Scripture Does – Part Two
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
How Scripture Answers Life’s Big Questions? Ultimately, the quest of history is not to tell us where we have been but where we are going. It does this by answering the three looming questions that burn in every human soul. 1. Is There a God? 2. Why Are We Here? 3. What Is Truth?
Teaching History Like Scripture Does – Part One
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Did you know of the Bible‘s sixty-six books, forty are historical accounts? And of the 26 which are not technically defined as such, most have major historical pillars, such as Paul’s argument for justification by faith in his Roman epistle and the many poetic hindsights in Psalms. Even Revelation is a prophetic book of
Hey Mama Monday: God Is Waiting and Ready to Hold You Up
Monday, 18 June 2018
Hey Mama, this is kind of urgent so I am typing fast; forgive any mistakes here. The urgency comes from the fact that I have heard you are in a heap of tears, because the grief is a lot to bear right now. You keep walking yet troubles still come, today even, new problems
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, - Faith, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Turning Visual Clutter Into Learning Clutter
Friday, 15 June 2018
Distractions seem like my nemesis. As soon as I settle in for a read-aloud it’s inevitable—my baby cries or my five-year-old gets into a fight with my toddler. For my kids, distractions are their secret weapon. They love finding something else to think about, look at, or read that isn’t the work at hand.
Be the Mom
Thursday, 14 June 2018
With the onset of summer, many of us are ready for a break from homeschooling. Now, I realize that not everyone takes a full summer vacation due to their choice to school year round, and that’s fine, too. However, there’s one thing I really want to encourage you to do this summer, and that’s
Developing Patience for the Road Ahead
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
I almost didn’t get this article written this week because a tornado hit our state, and we lost power for almost a week. The first two days, my children kept asking when they’d be able to watch TV or use the computer again. I’ve made a point to limit their screen time, and because