The PEARL: Part 4 – Reveal
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Recently I was invited to a ladies breakfast. The breakfast was held at a golf club in the middle of an upper class neighborhood. Due to life circumstances, I drove my husband’s ladder truck. As I slunk in the back entrance, I felt much like the character, Mrs. Bucket from the PBS show, Keeping
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Training Children to Remember What They Read – Part Two
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
In our previous post, we evaluated our reading worldview and the foundation for trading-in our default forgetfulness for strong reading habits. For illustration, I will use Daniel DeFoe’s classic, The Swiss Family Robinson, for practical tips on training children to remember what they read. Draw Pictures Research has suggested the memory retains images better
- Published in - Reading, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Training Children to Remember What They Read – Part One
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
“You and I remember only what we know, and we know only what we remember.”1 This quote, hidden between the black cover ends of a 1943 book bearing the title How to Remember Names and Faces by Robert H. Nutt, has challenged my approach to reading. As an avid reader who relies on the
- Published in - Reading, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Empowering A Generation Through Sexual Purity
Monday, 21 May 2018
Dr. Dale Conaway is the CEO of Purity Press Publishers and has written and published 9 Books in the “Biblical Sexuality Series.” Our company is committed to reestablishing a foundation for moral sexual behavior. We publish resources that focus on the wholesome, sexual development and healing of youth, young adults, singles, and married couples.
- Published in - Promotional Posts, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: He Will Never Leave You nor Forsake You
Monday, 21 May 2018
Hey Mama, Difficult trials. You’re no stranger to them. I know it is TIRING, Mama, and it can get monotonous and very dark at times. Will this ever end? Where is justice, where is light? I too have gone through some dark times. And when my heart and spirit are low, I can only
- Published in - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
The End of the Journey
Sunday, 20 May 2018
While many families are winding down for this school year and anxiously awaiting the summer break, this month will be different for me. My winding down comes with a bittersweet-emotion, one that is hard to put into words. My homeschooling break will now not just be summer, but in a sense, permanent. After homeschooling
God’s Confirmation Gives Confidence
Saturday, 19 May 2018
As a homeschool mother I occasionally wonder if my children are truly receiving the best education. Not because I find myself inadequate or because I lack teaching confidence. I honestly think that it’s just normal to wonder sometimes. That’s why I’m so grateful that God hears my silent wonders and always provides confirmation. During
- Published in - Faith, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog
Start, Finish, Repeat – A Lesson In Planning
Friday, 18 May 2018
Ahh mornings. Sometimes the way I get up you’d think my alarm signaled the start of a 5k race. I’m writing mental to-do lists as I shower. A brief tour of my living room on my way to the kitchen expands that list. Then my kids start adding requests for the day, then I
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - Coping With Chaos, - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog