The PEARL: Part 3 – Ask
Thursday, 17 May 2018
I’m a talker. If there’s another person in the room, chances are I’m the one talking. I have a good friend who is a listener. We do well together. However, my listening friend and I both struggle when it comes to engaging with our neighbors. My problem is talking too much, hers is not
- Published in - Ministry, Articles, Blog
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Why Mother’s Day Matters
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Dear Mom, back on the 13th of this month the US celebrated Mother’s Day. Maybe you woke up to a breakfast of peanut butter toast and orange juice prepared by your child. Or maybe you received a hand-made card with scribbles on it from your toddler. Maybe, just maybe, you were a little disappointed
- Published in - Family, - Finding Joy, - Holidays, Articles, Blog
Letting Go of Fear
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
As the school year winds down, it’s a good time to reflect on the overall health of your homeschool. How are you doing? How are your kids doing? It’s also a good time to think about the decisions that you’ve made this year. How many of those decisions were made out of fear? It’s
State History by A Helping Hand
Monday, 14 May 2018
Study YOUR state–we have all 50! State History from a Christian Perspective (Grades 3-12) Complete state history course on your state, including text, maps, color state symbol pictures, quizzes, tests, lesson plans, answer key, state constitution study guide Students use our text material to construct project notebook either in their own three-ring binder
- Published in - Promotional Posts, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Time to Lighten Your Workload
Monday, 14 May 2018
Hey Mama, You have too much on your plate. That’s why all this chaos continues. Good news is you are in control to make some smart changes. Get with the hubby and kids – remove some of this extra stuff and lighten your load. Most of the time, we take on more than we
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - Coping With Chaos, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Happy Mother’s Day
Sunday, 13 May 2018
This was a day in my life near Mother’s Day just a few years back: I have a splitting headache yet I have three sick children to care for. I have a child who is not cooperating that I have to deal with. I have a toddler who wants me to play baseball and
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, - Family, - Finding Joy, - Holidays, Articles, Blog
Motherhood Comes Full Circle
Saturday, 12 May 2018
In early March of this year, I sat by my Mom’s bedside for a little over 38 hours. During that time, I put water in her mouth, drops in her eyes, held her hand and talked to her. I prayed, asking God for a peaceful transition, and for the strength to get through what
The Importance of Outdoor Education in a Digital World
Friday, 11 May 2018
I grew up in a large city. Swapping childhood stories with my husband, he was appalled when I explained that recess at the schools I attended meant being released to an enclosed, asphalt yard. I counted myself lucky that I actually had a backyard at home with trees and flowers. Most of my friends
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog