The PEARL: Part 2 – Eating Together
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Eating is possibly one of the greatest American pastimes. We have cooking shows, cooking blogs, and cooking websites. Our towns are filled with restaurants, coffee shops, and ice cream parlors. There are health food stores, international food stores, and bulk food stores. If you want to eat, you can order in, eat out or
- Published in - Family, - Ministry, Articles, Blog
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All Shadows Parting – An Elegy
Wednesday, 09 May 2018
If you enjoy classical music, you have most likely heard a requiem, a piece of music written in memory of someone who passed away. In the 17th and 18th centuries, most composers wrote a requiem—haunting, stirring pieces, designed to move the emotions, and sung in Latin. In poetry, an elegy reflects upon someone who
5 Ways to Make Your Kid Hate Homeschooling
Tuesday, 08 May 2018
Have you ever heard a kid say, “I hate homeschooling! I want to go to school!”? This can happen for a variety of reasons. My oldest didn’t exactly hate homeschooling, but she didn’t like being different. She didn’t like being confronted with people’s incessant questions and assumptions. We did not honor her request to
- Published in - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Who’s Afraid of Biblical Hebrew?
Monday, 07 May 2018
See why Biblical Hebrew is now a practical and rewarding Christian homeschool choice for high school foreign language credits and lifelong Bible study tools. Thorough, encouraging, easy to use, creative lessons require no teacher experience beyond amen and hallelujah! Books, music, and DVDs for ages 9 and up from Alef Press. Biblical
- Published in - Promotional Posts, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: God Has Prepared for You a Future
Monday, 07 May 2018
Hey Mama, Do you want to know what the Lord sees that we do not (yet)? He sees the big picture. He sees the reason behind what feels like sheer madness. He sees the reward which comes after the injustices. He sees the growth amidst the pain—and He sees the light around the next
- Published in - Faith, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Family Rules
Sunday, 06 May 2018
Every now and then our kiddos get out of sorts. They forget every single ounce of character training and they rebel against our rules. It’s never a pretty sight, let me tell you. As parents, it is our job to train and correct them. When they choose to forget what we have taught them
- Published in - Character Development, - Family, Articles, Blog
Teaching Lies
Saturday, 05 May 2018
Yes, I chose the title because it would raise the hair on your neck, but it matters too much to just let it slide. I grew up in early modern American homeschool circles. I remember wise instructors assuring parents that the best thing they could do to prepare their children for a dark world
- Published in - Character Development, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Summer Summit
Friday, 04 May 2018
You are invited to attend the Summer Summit on July 6, 2018 at Basics Co-op Community Room, 1711 Lodge Drive, Janesville, WI 53545. The four sessions of the Summer Summit are food, faith, friendships, and fun. These four f’s are the ingredients for a happy homeschool mom. FOOD – There’s something about a get-together