Art Class from See the Light
Monday, 16 April 2018
See the Light’s Art Class contains 36 complete step-by-step tutoring lessons, taught by Master Artist Pat Knepley. Pat Knepley’s warmth and engaging personality captures the attention of children, draws them into the learning process, and leads them through a successful drawing experience in every lesson. Each lesson runs approximately 15 minutes and includes
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Hey Mama Monday: When Your Kids Bring You Pain
Monday, 16 April 2018
Hey Mama, You’ve heard the saying about how when your kids are little, they step all over your feet, but when they become teens or young adults, they step all over your heart. Heart pain is far, far worse than foot pain. This is because of “the investment.” See, all these years you had
- Published in - Faith, - Family, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
4 Tips to Healthier Snacking
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Keeping a healthy diet can be tough when there are tempting treats everywhere we turn. And with 94% of Americans enjoying a snack at least once each day, it’s important to be aware of exactly what we’re feeding our bodies! Eating small amounts of food throughout the day is a crucial part of a
Expecting The Unexpected: Preparing for Life’s Interruptions
Friday, 13 April 2018
About a month after my son’s spinal fusion I took him to the ER concerned about infection. His back was red and blotchy at the surgical site, and he was running a fever and very dystonic. We spent most of September in the hospital as he fought an MSSA infection. To say I was
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
Eclectic Homeschooling
Thursday, 12 April 2018
If you find yourself combining several homeschool methods, you are probably an eclectic homeschooler. Eclectic homeschooling is the method used by most homeschoolers. Eclectic homeschooling is not a style itself but a combination of styles, which allows you to pick and choose curriculum that works best with your students’ learning styles. Over the years,
- Published in - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Is Your Teen Ready for the New Gig Economy?
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
As homeschoolers, many of us are called upon to be more than high school instructors. We also need to be career coaches and guidance counselors. We tirelessly research the ins and outs of college admission, vocational school requirements, financial aid and scholarships, and other valuable information on behalf of our teens. Our high school
- Published in - Character Development, Articles, Blog
Carole P. Roman – Great Children’s Books for Reading Time
Monday, 09 April 2018
Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of over fifty children’s books. Whether it’s pirates, princesses, or discovering the world around us, her books have enchanted educators, parents, and her diverse audience of children. She hosts two blog radio programs and is one of the founders of a new magazine, Indie Author’s Monthly. She’s