Starting Over When You Didn’t Start Well
Saturday, 14 October 2017
At the beginning of each school year we have a back to school potluck and parents meeting. Because there are usually new families, we are asked to introduce ourselves and tell how long we’ve been homeschooling. I skipped that part this year as I hastily introduced myself. It wasn’t intentional but perhaps on a
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My Homeschool Journey
Friday, 13 October 2017
I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. (I know non-Christians homeschool too.) I went to public school from kindergarten to ninth grade. I did good in elementary school. But I remember having a lot of anxiety the night before school would start back. I wanted to stay home with my mom. I didn’t
Did I Say That?
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Do we realize how often our children mimic our words and attitudes? How many times do we hear ourselves through them? Have you ever sat down and listened to the words that come out of your children’s mouths? Do you hear them repeating things you have said? I know I have. Sometimes it is
5 Ways to Encourage Learning with the Game Cadoo
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Board games offer an opportunity to make learning fun. I love integrating them into our homeschool days. While we do occasionally play games according to the rules, we most often just use the components of a game as learning tools. Ditching the rules sparks creativity. It allows children to explore freely, and come up
My Favorite Walk
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
For now, my family lives in the city. It’s lovely having just a two-block walk to our library and buying groceries only minutes from home, but I miss the space and solitude of the country. So, whenever we have a bit of extra time for our daily constitutional, the kids and I like to
Hey Mama Monday: Don’t Worry, God Is Still in Control
Monday, 09 October 2017
Hey, Mama, it’s Monday and I heard you were struggling with some pressing matters. Just wanted to pop in and help you put your eyes on Jesus. He is still on the throne. While the world has gone mad, He is the same—unmovable, unshakable! He is our great and holy God and Savior, Jesus
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Puzzled By Life
Sunday, 08 October 2017
My family is big on puzzles, whether it is riddles or actual physical puzzles, we like the challenge of figuring things out. We currently have three different, 1000 piece puzzles in the works in various parts of our home. The living room has a lovely Native American puzzle, the family room/basement has a Thomas
Dear Younger Mom
Saturday, 07 October 2017
I want to encourage you on your journey. Whether this is your first year educating your children at home or your tenth, know that you are following God’s commands to teach your children at home and about Him. (Deuteronomy 11:18-20.) Have you ever heard the expression “The days are long, but the years are