Remind Me Again: Why Are We Homeschooling?
Monday, 21 August 2017
We are in this for the long haul; however, periodically over the fifteen years that we have been homeschooling, I have called my husband at work to say, “Remind me again: Why are we homeschooling?” Thankfully he has always been rock solid in his support and encouragement, and each time I have called him
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Under Pressure
Sunday, 20 August 2017
“Hurry!” How many times did I say that in those early years of homeschooling? Hurry and finish that math page. Hurry and get in the car. Hurry and eat. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Now that my children are graduating and leaving the house, I want to scream, “Slow down!” What drove me to spend so
Pets: More Than a Lesson in Responsibility
Thursday, 17 August 2017
My son’s eyes began to fill with tears. I could see him fighting back, and willing himself not to cry. I wanted to embrace him. I wanted to take away his pain. A tear finally escaped. Before he had time to wipe it away, it rolled down his cheek and landed on Peanut, the
More Giving, Less Taking
Monday, 14 August 2017
Money topics and I go together like motor oil and ice cream. It’s just not one of my strong suits. I guess that’s why God gave me such an incredible wife who can stretch a dollar like nobody I know. On the other hand, I know what men feel and that money issues
- Published in Articles
Are You Ready for Back to School?
Friday, 11 August 2017
The words ” back to school ” are full of so many different emotions. Moms excited to try out new curriculum, the feel of fresh books and notepads, brand new pencils with new erasers on top, a neatly organized desk, and a desire to “keep things in order” (with the realistic understanding that this
President-elect Donald Trump Recognizes Homeschool Movement
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Homeschooling is on the rise! In the last six years, the number of homeschooling families has grown from 2 million to 2.3 million in the United States alone.1 Many factors contribute to the decision to homeschool – student safety, quality of education, special needs concerns, religious beliefs and values, etc. Research shows parents are more
Reteaching for Understanding
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Although we may have the best of intentions with our lesson plans and instruction, sometimes we are not effective teachers. I had this experience recently. I was teaching a mock trial class at our co-op and discussing types of questions that are used during a direct examination of a witness. Once I had finished my instruction,
Ideas Should Not be a Mold, but a Compass
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Are we putting so many parameters on our children in this society that we risk potential?! Imagine, for instance, that Michael Jordan’s parents had put a prescribed size of a shoe on him once he could walk. Let’s say this was a recommended practice at the time, “in the best interest of the child.”