12 Reason Why My First Grader Loves Homeschool
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Often we wonder if our kids enjoy homeschooling. Do they love it…hate it…tolerate it…thrive in it. Well my 1st grader has something to say about why she loves to homeschool. We are about to start her 3rd year being educated at home…preschool, kindergarten, and now 1st grade. She has her days where she doesn’t
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Roadschooling Through Canada
Friday, 21 October 2016
Our family is currently on a three month RV trip, from Ontario to the Yukon and Alaska and back. Since Fall will be busy with moving, unpacking and possibly renovating, I had hoped to do as much “school” as possible while we were away! Ha! Half way into our trip, our projects and most
The Game Plan
Thursday, 20 October 2016
School is underway!!! Feelings erupt inside me of both anticipation and trepidation. I love to ask other homeschooling moms what their game plan is for homeschooling their children for this year – so I thought I would share mine! Glean from it what you like, and share your game plan in the comments!!
The Delight is in the Details
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
What does it take to spark a love of history? When learning takes place at the home hearth, the opportunities to discover history are vast. We could literally devote a whole lifetime studying each millennium of the past. Yet the humanity of history is in its details. Think about it, would you rather study
Hoping for Life
Monday, 17 October 2016
“Where there’s life, there’s hope.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero In my house are several houseplants and Ivy is one of the easiest and most proliferating plants to maintain. Every year or so I’ll collect my plants to pull off dead leaves, repot some that have grown too large and try to beautify others. Before
Grab a Pencil and Some Paper
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Learning how to write and then being able to use those words correctly are vital skills that allow us to communicate efficiently and succeed in life . . . no matter what path you choose. Preschoolers and kindergarten students can explore foundational skills of handwriting in Beginning Handwriting. Taught by Annette Breedlove, each of
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers, Writing
Manners and Microbiology
Friday, 23 September 2016
Establish a healthy lifestyle from the very beginning. Our newest preschool class is Manners and Healthy Habits for Preschool. These fifteen lessons with activities are full of bright illustrations and simple worksheets to help preschoolers as they learn about ways to keep themselves and others neat and healthy and ways they can demonstrate good
- Published in Blog, High School, Schoolhouse Teachers
Management Skills
Thursday, 01 September 2016
This concept was recently brought into clearer focus by a situation initiated by two factors; one, I am busy and need help, two, I have a driven child. One of my children, in particular, likes a good challenge, all the more so if given a measure of independence. Because of the equal passion demonstrated