30 Years From Now
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Thirty years from now you will probably be looking at what is being built upon the foundation you are forming now. That can be both a sobering and exciting thought, (for me anyhow.) Often an in the middle of the night thought. Many of us are sliding into home plate as far as school
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Stories of Those Gone on Before
Monday, 15 August 2016
You know how it is, you are browsing through curriculum, planning what you are going to do with your child(ren) the following year… you know you think about math, reading, grammar, science, history and the like. You get the basics of your year planned and voila. You are done. Or are you? Recently my
Lessons in Paying Attention
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Teaching children to pay attention to their surroundings is an important skill that should be developed. As children grow and desire to become more independent, it’s critical they are aware of their environment. As a homeschooling family, my children are with me the majority of the time. It often feels easier and faster to
I’ll Always be a Working Mom
Friday, 12 August 2016
It’s approximately 9 pm as I write this article; while I could certainly find a great deal of mindless pleasure in watching HGTV right about now, I have a funny thing called a deadline that I need to meet! It’s not that I am drawn to deadlines, or crave late nights staring at the
Stress Less When Your Homeschool’s a Mess
Friday, 05 August 2016
We all have times when life gets a little crazy and our homeschool runs off the rails. It could be that you are sleep deprived and nursing a newborn or spending your energy packing up a house for a move. Maybe you or one of your children is dealing with illness, doctor’s appointments or
I’m No Expert!
Thursday, 04 August 2016
One of the things I’ve heard repeated most often about homeschooling is that you don’t have to be a professional teacher to do it, and that’s absolutely true! Furthermore, you don’t have to be a mathematician, a linguist, a biologist, or a musician either. From animation classes to botany lectures, it’s all possible with
Get Ye to a Homeschooling Convention!
Tuesday, 02 August 2016
Feeling weary and battle worn, homeschool mom? We aren’t made to walk this path alone. As we all know, homeschooling can be one of the most worthwhile things we can do for our kids, but it’s also one of the most challenging. We all need a fresh dose of encouragement to refresh our hearts
Bringing Home Baby, Again
Monday, 01 August 2016
Is homeschooling doable for my family? I think that is a question a lot of parents are asking. Especially, when it comes to milestone growth levels. Also at age of entering formal education, middle school, high school, lifestyle changes, etc. It is not only doable; it is amazingly rewarding in layers of ways, in