Family Identity: Deciding Who We Are
Friday, 29 July 2016
When a new educational institution is formed, those in charge make certain decisions about its identity. Things like a name, the mascot, colors, and song are common things the school will be known for. As principal it is also within their power to set standards, mission statements, determine the type of classes offered, etc.
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Internet Outage = Blessings
Thursday, 28 July 2016
It is amazing how often we use the internet in our home. I had not realized just how much time was actually being drained from our family until this week. A temporary disruption in our internet service is common where we live. However, what I thought was just a quick outage turned into a
Homeschool Summer Bucket List
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
We have a unique situation this summer for the first time. My husband is a public school 3rd grade teacher and he is actually taking the summer off. He usually works side jobs in the summer doing construction etc. I still work part time through the summer watching babies in my home but I
Allergic to Organizing
Friday, 15 July 2016
I have been at a stand still lately. We have a small house and with four kids, two dogs and occasional visiting foreign exchange students it can be get kind of crowded. I try to remind myself to see it as “cozy” because its all about our perspective in things right? Well, since our fourth
5 Common Homeschooling Fears & Why You Can Stop Worrying About Them
Thursday, 14 July 2016
If you are a new or prospective homeschooler, you may fall into worrying about some of the common fears that parents face when they decide to homeschool. These fears often come about because of things you’ve heard others say about homeschooling or because you’ve known homeschooling families that seem to have problems that you
Great Distortions: Educating Expectations
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
About 10 years ago, my husband and I were excitedly planning our wedding and honeymoon when one of us stumbled on to some really great advice in a magazine. Don’t expect that just because you are on this monumental vacation that the person you are normally is going to suddenly change. A high activity
Molding a Gospel-Centered Writer
Friday, 08 July 2016
Does your child love to write? Are you praying that the Lord uses him as an ambassador for the the kingdom of God? Writing is not somehow superior to other skills but it is such a highly sought after skill that cultures are made or broken through writers. From the screenwriter of the latest
Why We Ditched Spelling Lists
Thursday, 07 July 2016
I haven’t given a legitimate spelling test in over a decade. In our previous homeschooling lives, we followed a traditional spelling program which received rave reviews from other families. It was meant to teach spelling rules without tears, but, oh, people, I tell ya—the tears! My kids hated the tests and lists. I hated