Music Matters: A Greater Purpose for Piano Lessons
Saturday, 18 June 2016
As a piano teacher, I see the values of music every day. What I often see in parents is a struggle. They try piano for a short while and when the child loses interest another activity is found to supplant it. I meet parents painfully unaware of what learning an instrument, especially the piano,
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Outdoor Play IS A Learning Tool
Friday, 17 June 2016
Encouraging adventurous outside play is a valuable learning tool for kids. Sadly, I feel this generation has been cheated this rite of passage. As a child, I lived outside. I was the “head home when the street lights came on” kid. When I become a mom, I made a conscious effort to allow my
Passing On Conviction
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Do you ever wonder if your children are forming conviction? I don’t mean convictions. Convictions are personal principles, like whether you celebrate Christmas, wear dresses only, or what movies you choose to watch. They are the personal guidelines the Holy Spirit gives each of us according to our spiritual maturity. Convictions are important, but
5 Ways to Homeschool Your Wiggly Student
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Kids and the wiggles go hand and hand. I mean, do you see many kids sitting around with their hands folded in the their laps, wide-eyes, engrossed in whatever is going on around them? Rarely, right? One of the biggest advantages of homeschooling for my family is that we don’t have to suppress those wiggles, at
Incorporating Delight Directed Learning in High School While Earning a Transcript
Friday, 10 June 2016
I’ve never been a true “unschooler”, but I’ve always incorporated principles of Delight-Directed Learning into our homeschool. For us this has often meant reading through series of living books that the kids loved or diving into unit studies on topics we were interested in. But as my homeschoolers have headed into high school, it’s been
Squeezing into the “Experts” Mold
Thursday, 09 June 2016
Every parent knows there are milestones in a babies life. 2 months-holds head up 3 months-smiles 4 months-coos 5 months-first tooth 6 months-crawling 7 months-solid foods 8 months-says mama 9 months-drinks from a sippy cup 10 months-waves bye bye 11 months- self feeds 12 months-walking 18 months-stacking blocks 24 months-walks down stairs There’s an
Six Advantages of a Year Round Homeschooling Schedule
Monday, 16 May 2016
As I sit and write the weather outside is absolutely gorgeous. Spring has finally arrived up here in the North East and we are hungry for it. Everyone is itching to get outside. A few of my friends have even posted pictures to social media sporting their first sunburns. For many in the education world
Homeschooling Curriculum Opportunity Too Good to Miss
Thursday, 12 May 2016
The school year is about over for most homeschool families. And there are already plans being made for next year. With all of the craziness that goes along with choosing new curriculum and what works well for each child, you and I can finally find some relief. The Build your Bundle Homeschool Sale
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