Vacation = Education: The Educational Way We Spent Our Vacation
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
When we decided to homeschool our children, it was because my girls were falling through the cracks of the “Brick and Mortar” system. I found that they were learning information for the moment, but it wasn’t sinking in and becoming lifetime knowledge. They seemed to spend all their time learning things in prep of standardized
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9 Things You Can Do to Stop Screens From Taking Over
Friday, 06 May 2016
Our family is totally dependent on technology. Our kids have known how to use devices, practically from birth. Some may say we encouraged the use of computers much too early. Others will argue that we live in a digital age so the skills are essential. Up until very recently, we homeschooled solely with free resources,
Confessions of Extremist Parents
Wednesday, 04 May 2016
With tears streaming down her face my friend’s daughter was incredulous as she exclaimed, “I am in college and you are sending me to camp?” Another friend sent his son to a Summit Conference with the following admonition, “You are sitting on a fence with a foot in the world and a foot in the
It’s Time To Get Our Hands Dirty
Monday, 02 May 2016
Spring is in the air, flowers, and buds; it’s everywhere! What an excellent opportunity to get out and explore, plant a garden, or create collections. Even journaling Spring and the vast number of new beginnings it fosters can be a wonderful way to “science” or spend time in nature just for fun. There are many
Embracing the Chocolate Volcano
Saturday, 30 April 2016
When my children were young, I often used a thematic approach when planning the school year. I would choose the main topics that I wanted to cover and then search for related material for each subject area. Sometimes the related material was a bit of a stretch, but if it fit the theme and seemed
When Learning Happens
Saturday, 30 April 2016
As new homeowners in Oklahoma are inclined to do, we had a storm shelter installed in our back yard this week. My husband took the day off to monitor things and he and my son sat watching the entire process from beginning to end (about two hours). As boring as it might sound, the excitement
Homeschooling with Classical Conversations
Friday, 29 April 2016
I was a reluctant homeschool mom. When my oldest was born, I was counting the days until he would go off to kindergarten. I had a job I loved (teaching horseback riding lessons and training horses), and couldn’t wait to get back to it full time. However, God has a sense
5 Tips for Quiet Times for Busy Mothers
Friday, 22 April 2016
Years ago when I was reading Jim Elliot’s Journal, I found the following: “Anything, good as it may be, put before my study of the true and living Word, becomes a snare, and I must assiduously avoid all such if the Word of God is to be my fresh meat every morning.” The first time
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement