Just Do You
Saturday, 19 March 2016
The people in my house are loud. Unquestionably loud. Deafeningly loud. I, however, am quiet. How quiet? Church mice might occasionally ask me to speak up. I’m out-numbered by my husband and kids, four of the most loving, tender, and funny people you could ever meet. They also happen to be completely audible from any
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement
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STEM Project: The Bow and Arrow
Friday, 18 March 2016
Lately on Pinterest I am seeing a lot of information about STEM or STEAM projects. I have to admit that they look like fascinating projects — that combination of the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (sometimes adding Art). So fascinating indeed that I plan to do a day of STEM projects with my
Keeping the Peace at Co-op
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Maintaining a peaceful homeschool co-op can sometimes be challenging, but it is extremely important. By its very definition, a co-op is a group of people working together for a common purpose. Every member has a role to fill and tasks to perform. If one person falls short on his or her responsibilities, then someone else
- Published in Articles, Articles-The Homeschool Evangelist, Blog
Monday, 14 March 2016
We were made for adventure and I love opportunities to invite my kids into the fun. Our homeschooling family relishes opportunities to be outside together, exploring nature, and we have fallen in love with a form of modern day treasure hunting called geocaching. Geocaching isn’t a new idea, and you can now find over
How to Teach Your Child a Subject You Don’t Like
Saturday, 12 March 2016
There are some subjects in our homeschool that I really love to teach. Literature: I could read and discuss books all day long every day. History: I love to learn about the people and places of the past. Science: although I totally disliked it in school, as a homeschool mom I’ve developed a love for
Have You Met Charlotte Mason?
Friday, 11 March 2016
Have you met Charlotte Mason? She was a remarkable British woman who was far ahead of our time when it comes to educating our children. She was born in 1842 in England, but was orphaned at the age of 16 when both of her parents passed away. It was at this time that she came
- Published in Articles, Articles - Study Hall, Blog, Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Homeschooling Multiple Ages
Wednesday, 09 March 2016
There was once a time when I couldn’t conceive of how any person with more than one child could homeschool well. How can one teach multiple levels at the same time? Can you teach 6th grade math while teaching 4th grade math? I assumed someone would be neglected. This made homeschooling terrifying to me but
- Published in Articles, Articles - Study Hall, Articles-The Organized Homeschooler, Blog
Five Indoor Exercises for Winter Months
Monday, 07 March 2016
Winter is a time of hibernation, right? Oh, wait, we aren’t bears. Well, that means we STILL need to get our exercise during these winter months. Though traditional exercise like playing ball, jumping on the yard trampoline or riding bikes is typically out, there are still many ways to ensure your kids are getting the