Intentional Parenting
Monday, 30 April 2012
Truth is, if you homeschool, then you are intentional in your parenting. It would sure be a lot easier to let the kids get on the magic golden bus and disappear for eight hours each day. But you didn’t choose that because you didn’t think it was best for your children. You prayed, weighed your
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Jessie Wise
Monday, 30 April 2012
Fun can be an ingredient in the total life of the child, but the training of the child should be preparation for adulthood. ~Jessie Wise I love learning from home educators that are further down the path than I am. Maybe it is a birth order quirk. As the younger sister, I quickly learned the
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Measuring Up
Monday, 30 April 2012
By Troy L. Parrish Considering homeschooling? Been homeschooling for a while and wondering about the effectiveness of homeschooling, or just curious? Now that the current homeschooling movement is more than several decades old, you may be wondering what kind of results homeschooling is producing. What kind of scientific evidence now exists that can be
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Ten Things I’ve Learned . . . in Ten Years of Homeschooling
Monday, 30 April 2012
By Marybeth Whalen When I first started homeschooling ten years ago, I quickly learned to depend upon the wisdom of experienced homeschooling moms. These ladies provided me with a listening ear and wise advice that proved true time after time. The longer I’ve homeschooled, the more I’ve added little nuggets to my own repertoire of
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Thankful for Other Homeschoolers. . . a Time to Reminisce . . .
Monday, 30 April 2012
Before we had any children, we watched for a few years as our pastor’s wife homeschooled her children. She invited me over and showed me her basement with all the desks and bookshelves and school projects. She had six children and made homeschooling look so easy and natural. Her enthusiasm was contagious and her children
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Monday, 30 April 2012
Unschooling is a word that typically generates interest with the media. For people who question whether parents are even able to educate their own children, unschooling seems totally unacceptable. With or without the approval of the general public, though, unschooling continues to grow. To understand unschooling, you really have to look back at the history
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Weaving a Beautiful Tapestry of Learning
Monday, 30 April 2012
By Kim Wolf As homeschoolers we are constantly looking for that “perfect curriculum.” Well, after 15 years of homeschooling, I hate to burst your bubble, but it just isn’t there! However, some meet family needs more than others. Would you be interested in a curriculum that teaches all levels of social studies, history, government, science,
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Your Children ARE Learning!
Monday, 30 April 2012
The question that plagues modern homeschoolers, in the same way that men and women in the middle ages wondered if the world was flat, is: are we making any progress and are my kids really learning anything? I say ‘modern homeschoolers’ because I don’t think the pioneer homeschoolers asked that question. For them, it wasn’t
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