For Handwritten Consideration
Monday, 30 April 2012
One Way to Write, NOT Two If beginners learn a basic alphabet that will join up for a true cursive, why should they struggle to learn two alphabets, print-script (commonly known as manuscript or ball-and-stick) and then conventional cursive? (Cursive is correctly defined as flowing handwriting.) Almost all print-script letters start at their tops. Then
- Published in Kindergarten Korner
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A TOS Interview with June Oberlander
Monday, 30 April 2012
“Young children have short attention spans so it is important to capture the optimum time.”- June Oberlander TOS: June, Could you please introduce yourself to our readers and explain why you developed Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready, A Parents’ Handbook? June: My name is June Oberlander, a retired kindergarten teacher with over twenty-five years
- Published in Kindergarten Korner
Nurture Your Children’s Language Development
Monday, 30 April 2012
Parents–whether or not they homeschool their children–are in the best position to give their children a solid foundation in English. Here are some things they can do. General Recognize that each child is an individual. Avoid comparing one child’s language abilities with another’s. Talk to your children about a variety of things. This will
- Published in Kindergarten Korner
Music for Early Learning
Monday, 30 April 2012
Music is powerful. Recent studies show it can help us study. The Bible says it can soothe us. But can it actually help the young child learn? Yes, says Linda S. Stoler, MA, CCCSp/L of Willinda and creator of the LinguaSong CDs. She chats with us this month about the power of music in early
- Published in Kindergarten Korner
TOY TALK from Dr. Toy on the Importance of Smart Play and Smart Toys
Monday, 30 April 2012
Children love toys. From the colorful mobile overhead that attracts a baby’s attention to the tower of LEGOs built by your little architect, well-designed toys stimulate your child’s mind. Young ones absorb messages from toys through all stages of their growth. The kinds of toys selected and how your youngster plays with them will influence
- Published in Kindergarten Korner
Effective Spelling Strategies
Monday, 30 April 2012
Most good spellers aren’t born; they are made. Good spellers are simply those people who learn the most effective spelling strategies and apply them on a routine basis. If your student masters effective spelling strategies, she masters spelling altogether. There are four categories of spelling strategies: phonetic, rule-based, visual and morphemic. A successful and effective
- Published in Language Arts
Bonnie Terry Learning
Monday, 30 April 2012
Drawing upon more than 30 years of experience in helping teachers and parents identify learning problems, Bonnie Terry is our guest this month as we talk about ways to help our struggling learners. She holds a master’s degree in special education and is a board certified educational therapist. TOS: Welcome, Mrs. Terry! I’m confused about
- Published in Homeschooling Special Needs Children
Guiding Your Gifted Child
Monday, 30 April 2012
By Maggie Hogan How can you tell if you’re the parent of a gifted child? You regularly ask your 6-year-old to troubleshoot your computer problems. Your 14-year-old speaks and writes a foreign language fluently . . . one of his own invention. Your 2-year-old insists on putting together his jigsaw puzzles “color-side down” so it
- Published in Homeschooling Special Needs Children