Homeschooling: A Natural Fit for the Kinesthetic Child
Monday, 30 April 2012
By Stephen Guffanti As we were sitting down to dinner, Alex, a wiry 4-year-old, finally stopped running and took his seat. Turning to his mom, I remarked, “When your child starts kindergarten in public school, they will want to put him on drugs for ADHD. Don’t do it.” She replied, “I’ve been concerned about
- Published in Homeschooling Special Needs Children
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How to Correct Spelling Mistakes
Monday, 30 April 2012
Students are going to make spelling mistakes. Making mistakes is all part of the learning process. It’s your job to correct those mistakes without interrupting the learning process or creating other difficulties. Here are some specific techniques to correct spelling mistakes both during the lesson and at other times. Correcting spelling mistakes during the lesson:
- Published in Language Arts
How to Write a Powerful Haiku Poem
Monday, 30 April 2012
Haiku provides an opportunity to work with several important elements of poetry: visual imagery, pleasing sounds, line breaks, symbolism, and form. Because a haiku is short–only seventeen syllables–the writer has the opportunity to hone it to a highly polished state. A form of Japanese poetry, haiku has existed for hundreds of years. A haiku consists
- Published in Language Arts
Dr. Jay Wile: Real Science in the Homeschool
Monday, 30 April 2012
TOS: Dr. Jay, Thank you for being with us today at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine! We look forward to learning about your company, your vision, and you in general. Apologia Science is taking the home schooling community by storm! Dr. Jay: Is that a good thing? I live in the Midwest. We hate storms! TOS:
- Published in Real Science
Monday, 30 April 2012
The first chapter here tries to show both sides of the evolution controversy “fairly.” For instance, here are the two sides presented on page 8 of this book: These scientists [who reject evolution] cite multiple “lines of evidence” that evolution did not occur, including gaps in the fossil record, problems with the big bang theory,
- Published in Real Science
Following Darwin?
Monday, 30 April 2012
Do real scientists believe the Bible? Could a scientist still do good science if he believed that God created the universe in six real days, about six thousand years ago? It has been my privilege to work alongside Dr. Emil Silvestru at the Canadian office of Creation Ministries International (CMI). He is one of many
- Published in Real Science
The Giant Silk Moths
Monday, 30 April 2012
While visiting a hardware store four years ago, I saw a large, beautiful moth resting on the wall near a light. Though at the time I didn’t know what kind of moth it really was, I was amazed. I later found out that it was a cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia) and was in the family
- Published in Real Science
Homeschooling Special Needs Children
Monday, 30 April 2012
“[Sherry] knew that special ed. was not rocket science and that with information she could do as good a job as a teacher . . . As homeschoolers, never has there been an opportunity like this to influence the culture of death with the message of life.”-Tom Bushnell, NATHHAN When our daughter was first diagnosed
- Published in Homeschooling Special Needs Children