American Revolution Unit Study
Monday, 30 April 2012
“Long live the king” was a common toast heard among Englishmen of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries living in the American colonies. The American Revolution started the day the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence … or wait, maybe it was when the first shot was fired in Lexington the morning of April 19,
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Ben Franklin Exhibit Tours the US
Monday, 30 April 2012
Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World is an outstanding traveling exhibition celebrating the 300th birthday of this famous American. It was launched in Philadelphia at the National Constitution Center on December 15, 2005, and is now traveling to major cities throughout the United States. The exhibition examines his contributions in the fields of
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Stopping by at Christian Cottage
Monday, 30 April 2012
Unit studies! Most of us love ’em, especially when they are well presented and mom-friendly! Teri Spray has authored The Christian Cottage Unit Studies, a four-volume set of very user-friendly materials. She also offers individual school services to families. We are blessed to have Teri stop by to chat with us this month. TOS: Teri,
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Don’t Forget the Fun!
Monday, 30 April 2012
Do you ever feel like all you do is cover the basics? Jumping from math to English, to history and science, then off to the kids’ activities or church and all those other good things you do. Before you know it, the week is over and you didn’t do nearly all you’d planned. I know
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Going Buggy
Monday, 30 April 2012
Many people are fascinated by insects, while others are terrified to be near them. No matter how you may feel about these little crawling creatures, they are an important part of God’s creation. There are over one million species of insects, which is about half of all known animal species! Make time in your homeschool
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A Honey of a Unit Study
Monday, 30 April 2012
This past spring, a friend and I arranged a field trip for our children to visit a local beekeeper. This homeschool dad often conducts tours for kids right in his own backyard where his bees are kept. He put on a wonderful, informative, hands-on presentation for us all. We left knowing a lot more about
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TRAINS: Iron Workhorses in the Age of Steam
Monday, 30 April 2012
There is nothing new about using tracks made of stone, wood, or iron to move wheeled vehicles about— even since Babylonian times. Throughout history, man has had the need to find better ways to transport goods and people. Before the invention of the steam engine in the 1760s, travel was slow and the best way
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What Is a Unit Study?
Monday, 30 April 2012
By Sharon Gibson I first heard the term “unit study” several years ago, but hadn’t seen one until the day a client gave me a study to edit. Within minutes, my pre-conceived notions of complexity and time-consumption were banished. I realized unit studies were an incredibly flexible and interesting educational tool. Sometimes known as
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