Enticing the Reluctant Writer
Monday, 30 April 2012
Excuses echo the halls of our homes when we try to teach our children how to write. After all, you can lead a child to paper, but you can’t make him write. Children are reluctant to write for a variety of reasons. Before exploring them, take a look at your own history with writing. Often,
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Giving New Meaning to "Having it All"
Monday, 30 April 2012
I am among a growing number of women who are redefining the term, “having it all.” As of 2007, the number of homeschooled children in the US hit the 1.5 million mark and I am one of the women who have been successfully doing this for the past 17 years. I am investing in the
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How to Evaluate Students’ Writing
Monday, 30 April 2012
Responsibility for a child’s writing instruction is usually accompanied by an obligation to evaluate the child’s writing. Such evaluation can be a daunting task. The following suggestions will help you give your child’s writing the response it deserves and will also help you provide the feedback that will make your child a better writer. The
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How to Make Sure You’ll Always Have Something to Write About
Monday, 30 April 2012
For many people the hardest part of writing is thinking of something to write about. This problem can be bypassed if you stockpile ideas ahead of time instead of waiting to think of an idea when you need it. Keeping an Idea Bank An idea bank enables you to collect and organize your ideas so
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How to Manage the Writing Process
Monday, 30 April 2012
Writing is a very complex process because your brain must tend to many different things at once: you must form your idea, put it into words, think about how to spell those words, consider what to capitalize and how to punctuate, and remember how to form letters (or find them on a keyboard). In addition,
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How to Write A Good Story
Monday, 30 April 2012
Stories have great power. In fact, God uses stories to teach us about Himself from Genesis to Revelation. Jesus taught in parables, which are usually defined as short fictitious stories that illustrate a moral attitude or a religious principle. Thousands of novels and short stories today pour from Christian publishing houses. Stories go where you
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But it’s so… so… Awkward!
Monday, 30 April 2012
Awkward. Even the spelling of the word is disturbing. If we look back, we likely have memories of high school or college teachers having scribbled the ugly “Awk” word in the margin of our paper, leaving us with the tremendously helpful insight that whatever it was we were trying to communicate didn’t quite work.
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Journaling Your Life Stories: "Down on the Farm"
Monday, 30 April 2012
My husband, Robert, grew up on a farm in the 1950s. He attended one of the last one-room schoolhouses in northern Illinois, and his days were filled with the kind of adventures that happen to a little boy living in a rural setting. Our children never tire of hearing “Daddy’s” farm stories–like the time an
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