Fall is for Planting and for Fun!
Monday, 23 April 2012
Karen Lange Fall is for Planting– You see this advertising slogan often at garden centers in autumn. So what does this have to do with homeschooling? More than you might think.Planting in the fall helps trees and shrubs become established during the cooler months, before enduring the warm, often dry conditions of summer. The
- Published in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
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Explore, Discover, & Create . . . with Notebooking!
Monday, 23 April 2012
At the end of each school year, are you finding yourself swimming through mounds of worksheets, quizzes, tests, and half-finished workbooks wondering just what to do with it all? Where does the organization begin? What do you keep? Where will you keep it? How much should you, dare I say, throw away? As you begin
- Published in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Charlotte Mason and Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Monday, 23 April 2012
By Rea Berg Mentors of the Modern Homeschool Movement Next year will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Susan Schaeffer Macaulay’s book For the Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for the Home and School . Neophytes to home education back in the early 1980s (as most of us were) found in Macaulay’s
- Published in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Adding Copywork to Your Homeschooling and Notebooking
Monday, 23 April 2012
What is Copywork Copywork is simply the practice of copying a piece of well-written work from any of a variety of sources onto paper or into a notebook. The student copies from the chosen source using his best penmanship to create a “perfect copy” that is properly spaced and includes all proper capitalization and punctuation
- Published in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Thoughts on Math-Haters
Friday, 20 April 2012
You can’t hate a subject if your mind is engaged in it. So if a child says “I hate math,” I would try to figure out what his mind is doing. For example, at the lower arithmetic levels, curriculums often spend too much time with memorizing math facts. That is mindless and boring. So parents
- Published in Teaching Math
Teaching Math In The Homeschool
Friday, 20 April 2012
Few subjects cause knees to tremble and hearts to pound like that of mathematics. For many of us, the daily struggle through math class was as much a part of our routine as deciding what to wear. When we combine such negative personal experience with the requirement to educate our own children in this area,
- Published in Teaching Math
Focus on Helping Children Learn Math Facts
Friday, 20 April 2012
The time you will invest in setting up a math facts program will be well worth it. Number lines, charts, counters, and calculators are great tools to introduce addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but the bottom line is that fluency and knowing the correct answers to math facts is essential! If children do not memorize the
- Published in Teaching Math
Don’t Become a Casualty of the Math Wars
Friday, 20 April 2012
As I write these words, the civil war in Sri Lanka rages on, and we’ve been hearing reports of civilians trapped between the warring sides. Some, sadly, have died. There’s a lesson in that: You don’t have to be fighting in a war to become a casualty. So it is in math. Math? What’s math
- Published in Teaching Math