Fostering a Growth Mindset in Young Children
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
How many of us have heard our students and children say, “I can’t do this” or “I don’t know how,” time and time again? It can be frustrating, as an educator, to combat this type of negative commentary, especially when we may feel the urge to simply say, “Yes, honey, you can! You can
- Published in - Character Development, Articles, Blog
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Women’s History Month
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Women have made a huge impact on our history, those who have come before us and those who to come. During the Month of March, it is National Women’s History Month, and to celebrate, we recognize women who have been movers and shakers in history. Many names of our “present history” come to mind
Pooh Sticks
Monday, 11 March 2019
My two-year-old, Linus, had his face pressed against the sliding glass door. He was miserable. He was an outdoor sort of boy, and whenever I kept him inside he reacted as if he had been put into prison. I always tried to let him have outdoor time every day, but it was 38 degrees
Hey Mama Monday: Your Problems Are in God’s Hands
Monday, 11 March 2019
Hey, Mama, just wanted to pop in and help you put your eyes on Jesus. He is still on the throne. While the world has gone mad, He is the same—unmovable, unshakable. He is our great and holy God and Savior, Jesus Christ. We get so caught up in the details of our current
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
How Hobbits & Narnia Bring Hope to Homeschool Moms
Sunday, 10 March 2019
Without the Great War, we might not know about Hobbits or Narnia. This is the premise behind Joseph Loconte’s book, A Hobbit, A Wardrobe, and a Great War. Both J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were shaped inexplicably by World War I. God ultimately used their experiences in the trenches to bring faith to these
Teach Little Ones to Write a Sentence
Saturday, 09 March 2019
What fun it is to teach little ones to write! More than fun, learning to write a basic sentence is a foundational skill that will be built on over many years of homeschooling. Enjoy Simple Sentences Together One of the things I finally learned (probably on child #4) is that the more children
- Published in - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Helping Teens Discover Their Passions
Friday, 08 March 2019
As a teenager myself, I am aware of the peer pressure often tied to “success” that exists within the minds and hearts of today’s youth. The need to receive an outstanding test score so that one is able to attend a particular university. The need to generate a certain level of income by a
First Things
Thursday, 07 March 2019
One Sunday we actually made it to church early, and an elderly saint asked how homeschooling was going. I admitted that some days we didn’t seem to accomplish a thing. “Did you read them the Bible?” she asked. “Yes.” “Then you did accomplish something.” The truth of her words resonated, strengthening with time. At