Two Ways Children Can Help Create Homeschool Lessons
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Educating our children at home has given us the ability to have freedom and flexibility in choosing topics throughout the school year. In the beginning of our journey I took it upon myself to choose what we studied but over the past two years I have incorporated the children in those decisions. Though they
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
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Working the Wiggles Out When the Weather is Nasty
Wednesday, 09 January 2019
Winter is here. Temperatures are dropping, and in many places, it’s snowing or raining outside. Either way, the weather can make it hard to get outdoors this time of year. If your kids are anything like my kids, they’re probably bouncing on the couch or climbing the walls by mid-afternoon. While I want to
A Gift Uncovered
Tuesday, 08 January 2019
Our story is of a forgotten teacher and his very famous student. We pick up the tale up when young William was sent to a boys’ school in the port town of Hull, taught by Joseph Milner. Frail, tiny of frame, and cheerful, both the physical and personal nature of the seven-year-old instantly set
- Published in - Character Development, Articles, Blog
A Better Way to Make Goals for Your Homeschool
Monday, 07 January 2019
I think setting goals for our homeschool is important because it helps clarify our vision and guides us in how to plan our days. However, there is a temptation to make a long list of unrealistic expectations and then feel like a failure when we don’t reach these goals. Using the advice of productivity
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
New Year – Time To Evaluate
Friday, 04 January 2019
As a homeschooler in the north, I often dread winter. Winter means months indoors with restless children. It means allowing an extra half hour of prep time whenever we need to go somewhere. And, there’s the inevitable illness that descends, striking each of them in turn. But, winter also brings a time of reflection,
From Goal to Habit to Pattern of Living
Wednesday, 02 January 2019
It’s a brand new year! Happy 2019 everyone! If you are like me, you have made one or two resolutions for the New Year. Will they stick? I have had success and failures at making resolutions like “I will floss everyday!” or “I will spend more time in the Word of God” or “We
- Published in - Character Development, Articles, Blog
Facing New Challenges
Monday, 31 December 2018
Even though we have been homeschooling for twelve years, this school-year began with some new challenges. Our homeschool cooperative was faced with a level of adversity that it had never before experienced. We have been blessed to be part of this group for a very long time, nearly a decade. In that time, my
Are You Ready for a Co-Op?
Friday, 28 December 2018
Like any good welcoming committee, seasoned homeschoolers are usually excited to advise newbies in this home-educating lifestyle. From curriculum to school rooms to housekeeping tips, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience to explore no matter what your specific circumstances. “Have you joined a co-op?” can be one of the first things you