Did I Say That?

Do we realize how often our children mimic our words and attitudes? How many times do we hear ourselves through them?
Have you ever sat down and listened to the words that come out of your children’s mouths? Do you hear them repeating things you have said? I know I have. Sometimes it is flattering, but other times, I want to hide under a rug. I must stop and repent, then tell them I am sorry and explain to them why what they said was not appropriate. It is a humbling experience. We must understand that they listen even when we don’t realize they are.
In Ephesians 4:29, we read that we are to choose our words carefully. We need to be thoughtful not to let unwholesome talk to come from our mouths. Our words should build each other up, so we will be encouraged. I think this is especially important in our homes.
In recent years, I have found that our families sometimes get the short end of the stick. We are not as polite or kind to them as we are to complete strangers. That is so wrong! We need to be as vigilant in our actions and words at home, as we are in public. Our families deserve the best of us, not what is left over. I know it’s not easy. We spend day after day with these people and we tend to take them for granted, but God has given us these precious individuals and He expects us to treat one another with respect.
Our words are so powerful. In Proverbs 18:21 it says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruits.” This is saying that the words that we speak can either bring about good things or bad. We must be aware not only of the words but the emotion behind them. Are we speaking in a hateful manner? Do we spout off before really acknowledging the damage our words may cause? Our children and spouses need us to keep a reign on our tongues. We will be held accountable for our words.
I remember one day in particular where my mouth was out of control. I was not being kind or considerate with my words at all. As a matter of fact, I was being downright rude and mean. The day wasn’t going well and I was reacting instead of trying to diffuse the problems. My words were being spoken out of frustration and anger. I didn’t even realize how awful I was being until I caught a glimpse of my little one’s face as I was spouting off. She looked sad. Mama was scaring her. Oh my was that a wakeup call. I never wanted to make my child feel this way. I was never so sad or upset with myself as I was at the very moment. I knew things had to change and change now! I won’t lie and say that I was completely in control from that day on, but with God’s help, I am improving day by day. I listen when the Holy Spirit reminds me of how important my words are.
Today, as we go about our daily routines, can we be mindful to choose words of praise and affirmation for our families? Can we lovingly ask our children to do what we require of them? Can we be considerate of one another’s feelings?
I have a homework assignment for you. Write a little note to each one of your family members. Let them know how much you love and appreciate them. If you have a little one, go ahead and write one for them, and just read it to them when they find it. These little notes will be a starting point for your family to begin treating each other better. If we want change, we must begin with ourselves. Be the spark that lights the fire of love, peace and harmony in our homes.
My name is Betty Daley. I am a wife, mother, and homeschooling teacher. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 24 years and we have six children. I have been homeschooling for 20 years. Our older three have graduated The Daley Academy, and we continue to homeschool our younger three. We love sharing about our homeschooling adventures. Our family motto is “Do all to the glory of God”. We pray that we can encourage others as we give you a look into our lives. https://letsgetreal2016.blogspot.com/