In Everything Give Thanks

Giving thanks is easy when things are going well. The bills are paid, the kids are healthy, you are caught up on the laundry—these are all easy times to be thankful!
What about those not so easy times? The doctor report wasn’t good, your kids are just not getting the hang of math for the third day in a row, and the dishwasher quit working again! The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks.” “Every” means always—all the time! Ephesians 5:20 says, “Giving thanks always for all things.” Those verses do not say or include words like “when you feel like it,” “sometimes,” “if you want to,” or “on the good days.” Those three little letters A-L-L contain everything known and unknown to us. Have you ever stopped to think about that?
Did you ever notice the atmosphere/mood of people when someone with a thankful heart is around compared to one that is ungrateful? Praise and thanksgiving can bring out the best in those around you. It tells others that you appreciate what God has done for you and gives reassurance that you believe God is in control no matter what. Do your children see you giving thanks in everything. It can be a great lesson for children to learn early. Times can be tough, days can be hard, circumstances and surroundings can weigh us down, but we can still give thanks ALWAYS for ALL things! God knows; He allows it, and He has it under control. A child that grows up seeing that lived out in front of him will be a thankful adult!
When you think about it, giving thanks in everything is the perfect time and way to witness to others about our loving Father, the Creator, the One who loved them enough to send His Son to take the penalty and punishment we deserve and provide a way to spend eternity with Him. That should be enough to make the one who believes in Christ eternally grateful and express thankfulness ALWAYS.
Jodi has been with TOS since April 2016. She serves as the Operations Manager. She is also the Homeschooling with Heart blog manager and writes for The Homeschool Minute. Jodi is a pastor’s wife and has 3 boys. She has homeschooled for 18 years and also taught in the private and public-school settings. Jodi enjoys teaching, playing the piano, scrapbooking, and making cards. Her heart’s desire is to help others learn to enjoy these things as well!