Exemplary Expression

If you love to write, chances are you hope to inspire others with your writing. Perhaps you write because you have to. There’s no reason why your writing can’t inspire others, too. You just need a little bit of guidance. Take the college admission essay. Don’t you want your essay to stand out from the rest and excite those who will be reading it? Learn how to write an amazing college essay with Writing: College Admission Essay. Sharon Watson teaches high school students, in her two-week mini-course, how to gain an understanding of what college admissions counselors look for in an essay and answer questions that show the college who they are. She shares critical “do” and “don’t” lists and helps the student gain confidence and reduce the stress associated with submitting the college admission essay. Classics-Based Writing with Janice Campbell enables middle and high school students to gain a greater appreciation for classical literature. Through the study of eleven classical pieces, students will be able to recognize excellent writing and understand various literary terms and techniques, expand their vocabulary, and make use of reference tools. They will spend time in deep reading, copying, and transformation as they create their own independent works of literature.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC