The Family Table

My fondest memories as a child are of sitting around our family table. It didn’t matter if we were eating a meal or playing a game, it was a place where we could be together and enjoy talking and laughing. I always felt happy sitting there with my family.
When I began having a family of my own, I wanted to carry on the tradition of the family table. I wanted my children to have memories like mine. From the time they were able to sit in a high chair, we would have them sit with us at the table. As our family grew so did our table; it was always a priority to have enough room and chairs for each of our children. By 2007, we needed eight chairs, and we were delighted.
When they were old enough to begin school, we added a new purpose for our kitchen table. Homeschooling was a calling I felt since I first found out I was going to be a mother. I couldn’t wait to begin teaching my children around this family table. I didn’t care if it would get pencil marks or nicks and scratches. I knew those little imperfections would be memories of our times around the table. My heart swelled each time I watched them sitting there doing their lessons.
By day, our table was our little school, but in the evening, it was our gathering place; we always had dinner together. During our evening meal, we enjoyed talking about our day. Everyone got a chance to talk as the other’s listened. We had so much fun giggling and just being together. It was an important part of our day; more important than we even realized.
Our children grew. Life got more hectic, and there were fewer gatherings at the table. Our schedules would take us here or there, and not everyone was home for our family dinners any longer. I began to miss those precious moments. I realized how much I had taken for granted. As I looked at our table, less filled, I would ache for those times. Tears would stream down my face when I realized how the seasons had passed. It hit me hard when I grasped the fact that our children would soon be leaving us and these times together would not be the same.
The days always seemed long but the years went by so quickly. We don’t understand this concept, as parents, until we are older. We tend to worry too much about the future, and rob ourselves of the present. As a mom, I encourage you to enjoy the little things. If your schedule doesn’t allow for family dinners together then set aside a time each day to sit and talk with your children and husband. Put away the phones and tablets, close the laptops and turn off the TV. Enjoy playing games, having long discussions, and spending quality time with your family. Make memories that will last!
With three of our children grown and moved out of the house, we have fewer people around the table each night. We miss them, but that makes the times they visit and join us around our family table even more special. We savor our time together.
Today, our family of five make eating dinner together a priority once again, even with our busy schedules. We now understand how fast time goes and we want to make the most of it.
I wanted to write this so that other families may learn from us. Do not take today for granted. Don’t settle for waking up ten years from now regretting having not spent enough quality time with your kids. Put family time, especially around your table, on your to-do list each day; you won’t be sorry.
My name is Betty Daley. I am a wife, mother, and homeschooling teacher. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 24 years and we have six children. I have been homeschooling for 20 years. Our older three have graduated The Daley Academy, and we continue to homeschool our younger three. We love sharing about our homeschooling adventures. Our family motto is “Do all to the glory of God”. We pray that we can encourage others as we give you a look into our lives.