Fun Fall Field Trip Ideas for Homeschool Families

This fall may be slightly unconventional as the fall of 2020 was, but here are several fall field trip ideas that will have your children thankful for God’s creation amid challenging times. The changing of seasons is refreshing for children— and mom! It gives your homeschool a change of pace which makes children excited about learning and mom excited about teaching! While fall crafts at home are fun, educational, and often result in cute seasonal decorations for the home, nothing compares to getting outside and experiencing the season for itself. Here are some fall field trip ideas that are sure to get your children excited about learning.
Apple picking
If you live in an area with apple orchards, take advantage of the opportunities that many farmers provide families looking for an inexpensive way to make apple pie! It is usually cheaper to pick apples yourself, and nothing compares to fresh apples for eating, baking, or juicing! Even if you don’t consider yourself a prepper, apples store well if the conditions are right; no canning is needed! If you have a basement or a nice cool area with concrete floors where you can store boxes of apples, they can last for months. Of course, if you want to try your hand at canning, homemade applesauce is not only fun to make but incredibly easy (and delicious!). If you have a dehydrator, dried apples are always a tasty treat to have on hand. And if you want to teach your children the art of pie-making, then apple pies are a great way to start. With only a few ingredients, it is fool-proof and can build confidence in your child! Now, you could simply go apple picking and enjoy being in the great outdoors with your child, but why not take advantage of the opportunity to learn a few additional skills with the apples you bring home?
Hiking to see fall colors
Another fall field trip idea is to take your child on a hike to see fall colors. Some of you may live where you can do this in your backyard, and others may need to travel to a state park or a few hours away. Make a day of it. Pack a lunch and plan a day (or a few hours if you have littles) and go on a family fall hike. You might even consider planning another trip to the same area during a different season to compare the landscape during different seasons. You are the homeschool teacher so you can add as much or as little extras to this trip as you want. Observe God’s creation and have meaningful conversations with your children during the hike. If you are the nature journal type, have your child bring one along. If you want to require a fall-themed book report when you get home, go for it. You are the teacher; you decide!
Farmer’s market
A fall field trip idea that kids often love is going to the local farmer’s market. This is a great option. Regardless of where you live, you will be able to experience the seasonal produce in your area. What an incredible teaching tool! Many children are used to buying the fruits or vegetables that they want, regardless of the season. When a child visits the local farmer’s market, they can only see, touch, and buy items that were locally grown in your zone. Different zones can grow other plants throughout the year. Grab a seed packet, show your child the zones in your country, and discuss when the planting and harvesting seasons are for your particular zone. As you walk around the market, make a note of what is available and what isn’t during this time of year.
Pumpkin patch
The quintessential fall field trip idea for families is going to a local pumpkin patch. This is available in most areas during the fall, whether pumpkins are grown locally or not, because they can be shipped to you. Going to a pumpkin patch with kids is one of those experiences that produce family memories. It becomes a family tradition, picking out uniquely shaped pumpkins and bringing them home to use for decoration or baking. Some parents are hesitant to use pumpkins that are not baking or sugar pumpkins, but with enough cinnamon and other spices, I have found that any are suitable for baking! As with any squash, it is essential to note that the bigger the squash, the pithier it will be, but there is still plenty of flesh to work with, regardless!
Local farm
I want to leave you with the final fall field trip idea, visiting a local farm. Some farms use the fall time to open up their farm to the public. Others may not, but a simple phone call will let you know if the option is available. Learn about their particular methods and philosophy of farming; ask if they can teach your children how to milk a cow or a goat. Offer to feed the chickens or pigs or even to muck out the stalls. Farm life is challenging but rewarding, and I recommend giving your children the option to experience it, even if just for a day!
Are there any fall field trip ideas that I may have missed? Leave your suggestions in the comments below!