I have always enjoyed playing educational games, but as a homeschool mom, I now see the value of purchasing games galore when they’re used to reinforce a learning concept. Here are a few family favorites.
Tally Rally is a fast-paced equation game. Simple to learn, but challenging enough for math puzzle addicts, Tally Rally is the fast-moving, quick-thinking game where every equation counts. Place the tiles randomly on the board, start the timer and take the lead against your opponents to find as many equations as you can, using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The longer the equation, the more points you win. Sounds easy enough, but you’re racing against the clock plus you only earn points for equations no other player finds. It’s the fast track to improved math skills and inventive problem solving!
Locale is a game of world geography and cunning deception. Do you know where Timbuktu is? No? Convince players that you do! In Locale, the object of the game is to make up a story by explaining as much as you can about a given location – whether you know anything about it or not! Players vote on whose story is the most believable. Score points by writing a story that’s good enough to fool others or to correctly guess the true locale.
Word Yahtzee is a letter game that spells F-U-N for the whole family. Just roll the letter dice and arrange them to form words of varying lengths and various letter combinations. Count up their values and strategically place the totals in the twelve scoring boxes on your score sheet.
SCATTERGORIES is a fun, fast-thinking game. Right off the top of your head, can you name a sport, an ice cream flavor, and something in a pet shop, all beginning with the letter B? The trick is to take on twelve categories in three minutes or less and not match anyone else’s answers! So be creative and seek the unique.
Scrabble is a crossword game. It offers all the fun of forming interlocking words with all the challenge of racking up big scores! Cleverly connect letter tiles up, down and across the board. Different crosswords are created every game, so it’s a new challenge every time you play. This is the all-time family favorite word game!
Happy Homeschooling!
Susan Reed Welcome to My Happy Homeschool! http://www.myhappyhomeschool.blogspot.com/ My name is Susan Reed and my heart’s desire is to encourage the homeschool mom to live out God’s calling and stay the course.