Give Them Eyes to See

What is the most important thing you can teach your children? Many subjects might compete for the crown but, as a young woman educated at home, may I share the one thing my parents taught me that I’m increasingly thankful for? They gave me a biblical worldview.
What is a biblical worldview? A biblical worldview is interpreting the world according to God’s truth, His reality. It is taking the Bible as your final authority on every question. In Proverbs, it is called “understanding” and is highly praised in Scripture as more precious than gold or silver. It is the key that unlocks wisdom and knows how to apply it to every area of life. Since the “knowledge of the holy is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10) we know this precious quality is birthed by an intimate relationship with the Holy One, Jesus Christ. From there the light of understanding is found in His Word ( Psalm 119:99, 104 and 130). What understanding our children would have for life here and to come, if they basked in Scripture from diaper to diploma.
So how can we do we cross the canyon between understanding and our daily lives? In the journalism world one of their mottoes is “Start by asking the right questions”. Likewise, applying biblical understanding starts with learning to ask the right questions, especially two: what does the Bible command and how will I obey this command.
Question 1: “What does the Bible command?”
Sadly, this question has lost its impact. American Christianity is full of religious answers that have no connection to true Bible commands. But with the Lord’s help, let’s leave off any preconceived notions and deeply grapple with what the Bible says about some of the following:
“Why did God create us?”
“What does the Bible command about relationship conflicts?”
“How did God teach history to His children (did you know nearly all of the Bible is God’s telling of history?)?”
“What does the Bible say defines a successful education?”
Question 2: “How Do I Obey This Biblical Command?”
If your child understands the Bible commands, yet his actions never change, his understanding is vain. Personal obedience is the fruit of true understanding. Children are responsible for their own choices, but chances are higher they will be obedient doers of the Word if you are. Do you have a biblical worldview? If you don’t, ask the Great Teacher to give you one. It’s a request He delights to answer for His children.
The world, the flesh and the devil are aiming lies at the heart of our children. After a personal relationship with Christ, the greatest armor your child can possess is a biblical worldview. The fate of their souls depends on it. The future of your grandchildren will be determined by it. The course of unborn generations may be altered by it. If your children leave your stewardship with nothing else, let them graduate with a biblical worldview.
Kenzi Knapp desires to proclaim the reconciliation of Mankind through the blood of Jesus Christ. A homeschool graduate currently enrolled in God’s Great Course of Faith, Kenzi lives with her family on an Ozark homestead. She enjoys writing, biking, playing the piano and mountain ocarina, studying history and encourages young women to build mission-centered businesses at her blog, Honey Rock Hills.