Hey Mama Monday: You Have a Heavenly Father to Turn To

Hey Mama,
Ever feel like a jar of jam? Under so much pressure, but it’s all bottled up! Instead of “bursting”, take heart. You can do this. You ARE that joyful, loving Mama your littles adore. The one they run to when they have a boo-boo… or in the case of your older ones, the one they need to talk to, even in the middle of the night, sometimes.
Just remember, the Lord is the one we, as Mamas, have to run to with our boo-boos… or just to talk. Whether today you are already feeling the pressures of teaching, or simply the state of “being a Mama”, you do have time. Make time. SLOW DOWN. And look up! His hand is on your head today.
Under Pressure: Peace for the Driven Homeschool Parent
Dealing with Pressure? The Benefits of Slowing Down
One more thing, Mama . . .
Today will take care of itself; history has shown you this. And we have a lot of say about the memories our kids are going to have regarding this particular day with us. TODAY. Will it be sad memories? Stressed-out ones? Furrowed-brow memories? A Mama who loved them but was always down?
Or . . . even in the midst of the trials and challenges, will those kids of yours remember a Mama who made the day special, even memorable just for them? Stop and focus on at least one of your children right now; let them see those bright eyes grinning directly at them.
Grin more today. LAUGH. Erase the furrow. Cast your cares on the Lord because not only does He care for you, but none of the crazies in your life surprise Him one bit. He was with you yesterday. He knew about you (and your current issues) before the foundations of the earth! He is with you TODAY. He also has tomorrow’s problems covered. Completely under control.
And there will be more troubles in the future . . . this life is full of problems and nonsense. But have no fear, because just as He has taken care of you up until now, He’s not lost His commitment or faithfulness. He sees, He is concerned, and He has it in His hand (which is on your head, remember?).
You. Will. Not. Be. Shaken.
Take it to heart. He is your life. You are His love.
So lift Him up.
-Love, Gena