Hey Mama Monday: You Will Look Back on These Days with a Smile

Hey Mama,
Read this and take it to heart: One day your little monkey-cracker-jack-monster-boy will be in his forties; a strong man with responsibilities of his own. And that (sometimes) eye-rolling girl of yours will stand gracious and tall, with eyes full of wisdom, loving and caring for her old Mama. You are going to look back on THESE DAYS – the ones happening right now – with warmth, longing, and the desire to have them all back in your arms. Oh! To hold them again on your lap and snuggle them, long scrawny arms, messy faces and all… So take a deep breath, smile, and keep walking, because in the big picture, this is leading somewhere, Mama. It’s taking you all somewhere very special.
Cherish today, and cling hard to those babies while you still can. In the meantime, His hand is on your head. – Love, Gena