Hey Mama Monday: Be Patient, and Let God Act When He Knows It Is Time

Hey (brokenhearted) Mama,
Just stopping in today because I heard you were anguishing and in tears. It’s the same old thing again, isn’t it? You never thought it would take so long. What good does it do, this dreadful waiting? Why?! You’re at the end of your rope. No more patience. No more waiting. You want action. Lord, act! Move. Please act! You want to feel hope. Just a little semblance of improvement, you pray. Throw me a bone! Can I just see around the corner, please, a small peek… are there inner-workings you could show me Lord, things You are doing behind the scenes? Reveal them to me… just give me a small morsel so I have something to hold dearly like a prize to my aching heart. It will mean I can wait longer. I will then endure, as You ask.
But Mama, His faithfulness is your portion. His kindness sustains you. His compassion has embraced you. His truths have taught you wisdom and set you on a path of endurance. He holds your hand and walks that path with you. But it’s not over.
No, it’s not easy. Trials never are. And they sometimes last a lifetime or what feels like one.
You know yourself right now. But you don’t know who you will be when you get on the other side of this thing. Mama you have no idea! God’s building something… in you. Your endurance. Your character. Your ability to lovingly, BIBLICALLY counsel others in the future – maybe even the spouse, children or grandchildren/nephews/nieces of the very one(s) who bring your spirit so low….as you wait.
And wait. Quietly, humbly, prayerfully, you wait.
You’re fighting the good fight. You are running the race! This life is so short. BLINK. That’s how fast it goes compared to what’s to come. But the right-now is your staging area. It’s a living, life-changing performance. You have an Audience of One. We can please Him in this time! And also, you have audiences of many – who are watching, listening, learning from you. Being prepared for their own trials to come. You can’t see this glorious transformation taking place through the tears, the pain, the anguish, but you can believe it and walk confidently because your great God and Savior has called you to be like Him. To be self controlled. To be humble. To be long-suffering. To glorify Him even in the pain. To endure. It means, wait.
And through all of this, as you carry out your day to day endeavors, He loves you. He is NEAR you. Did you know that the brokenhearted is the one He is holding tightly in His hands? The brokenhearted is the one to whom He is near.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).
You are in His gaze, never far from Him. The One who saves. The perfect Parent. The best of Friends. What love He has for you. What plans He is working out, even now! Mama, those plans are GOOD.
Tomorrow, His mercies are new. His compassion, great. His care for you, fiercely defended. His salvation, yours.
Tomorrow will also take care of itself. Do not be overwhelmed with what is today. Instead, respond biblically. Slow down, rest. Live peacefully. Be available to those God has given you. Pray and pray! Call out to the One who hears, and who loves you.
He is using you to accomplish an entire series of events which make up His sovereign will, His glorious plan. Be soft, stay pliable, remain available. You are truly blessed. Joy comes in the morning. For tonight, Mama, His hand is on your head.