Hey Mama Monday: Your Children Are Seeds, and God Will Help You Raise Them into Adults

Hey Mama,
Right now they are popcorn. They are cracker jacks, laughing at anything and everything. Chuckle-heads with goofy humor. Faces that are chunky, crooked smiles, careless hair all over the place. Twinkly eyes because they don’t have a care in the world. Our children. Always our baby, we tell them. We’ll love you forever, we say. And we do. We know we always will.
Tomorrow, they’ll be mamas and daddies. Their laughter will be deeper and their humor will make more sense. They’ll fall in love…have children – your future grandchildren. Your future.
These crackerjacks….little jumping beans…clowns who mess up our house. These crybabies. One day they will be the baby-givers. The joy-bringers. The ones who hold our hand in our sunset years. The ones who lift us into the car and patiently sit with us. They will be our stability and our sanity. We won’t be lonely or bored. Pouring our life into them now with all our heart… this is US investing in THEM for their good, and the end result is priceless dividends. Our future is bright.
A beautiful life awaits. The best, the most joyous and wonderful day in our entire life probably hasn’t happened yet. It’s coming, Mama. Our grown-up children may have everything to do with it.
All things work for good…. those who love the Lord will see this. Those who love Him are faithful and endure, waiting patiently on Him. It’s about His timeline, not ours. He has a plan, and it’s a solid one. He is faithful.
Anticipate good, good things with these children, Mama. You know these truths. In fact, you will pass them on to those same chunky-faced, loud little monkeys. After all, you recognize that talking a lot with them is one of the greatest keys to success. Relationship. Endless conversations. Trust and sincerity. Your BFFs, each and every one of them to you, Mama, one day. That is the prayer.
What hope we have! Stay in God’s word. It’s your road map. The Lord who created you knows your frame. He will make a way.
Keep walking. His hand is still on your head, and He will never, ever leave or forsake you. He is the Giver of this life. Thank Him for it; praise His holy Name for it. Put your trust in the One with the plan. Did you hear me? His hand is on your head. – Love, Gena
What a great article. So encouraging!
Love having the Hey Mama Monday to get us started each week!
“The best, the most joyous and wonderful day in our entire life probably hasn’t happened yet. It’s coming, Mama.” Yes! I cling to this hoped-for reality often. In fact, it’s inevitable. Even if the worst tragedy my hormonal brain fears were to actually happen, God holds my dreams and he has never let one of his children down!
Love your fun but truthful way to describe munchkins. 😀
Gena has such a great way with words! She’s always an inspiration!