Hey Mama Mondays: Be an Example, Because Little Ones Are Watching

Hey Mama,
For ourselves and for our teens…
I never wish to take lightly the importance of walking in a manner worthy of Christ and His calling. How easy it would be to discard what I know to be true in order to be “true to myself.”
There are eyes and ears everywhere, young and old, and God uses His people to effect change – to even draw others unto Himself. To mirror Christ to these little eyes and ears is my greatest want and privilege.
To walk uprightly, justly, with speech that only glorifies the Lord… this should be our desire so that the King of kings might use us – whom He has called – to accomplish His will. To do otherwise is a lost opportunity at best, but could be far more devastating at worst, as someone could stumble away from the Lord, away even from salvation, as a result of a careless word, or a foolish humor. Be careful little mouths what you say…
But that joke was too funny NOT to tell it. I must be true to self.
“It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.” – Luke 17:2