Hey Mama Monday: Your Great God and Savior Will Never Leave or Forsake You

Hey Mama, just stopping in real quick…
Look up. Your great God and Savior will never leave or forsake you. Even in your darkest hour, He is there. And when joy comes in the morning, He rejoices alongside you.
Never. Will. He. Leave. You.
The one, ever-present friend you can count on is Jesus Christ. He is faithful and never changes. Get into His word and just read and read. Study like the faithful Bereans did. Get to know the God of all time and space. The Lord of lords. The narrow Gate.
Because you have made Him your Lord and Savior, your desire now is to learn all you can about Him. To have the mind of Christ is the goal. It’s His plan.
There are only so many days. This life is a mere blink, and it’s over. And then our forever-life begins. The greatest fellowship begins! We are called to endure. The Lord will take care of the rest. Do not allow yourself to become bogged down with the cares of this world. Do your best. Be faithful. Strive to have the mind of Christ. Trials will come and go, but in the end, it’s our endurance which matters most. Be found faithful to the end, Mama. Cry out to Him; He is there.
His hand is on your head tonight. “Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” – Psalm 90:14
Much love,