Hey Mama Monday: Kids Can Be Terrible, but Even at Their Worst You Wouldn’t Give Them Up

Hey Mama,
Even on the worst day, was it all worth it? Would you change a thing? Put those kids back where they came from and never look back? In the moments of frustration and even grief (and those moments do come) with our children, when they are being so foolish and illogical . . . when you cannot get through those thick skulls . . . would you wish you’d never had them? Poof! They were never here.
Or when things cool down and the moment is past, do we recognize the gift of God’s hand and know that He is growing us right alongside our own children? It is a testing ground for us all. Trials come, Mama.
They are not perfect. They will mess up. We mess up, yet God is always right there with His mercies new and fresh every morning. Never will He leave us. Never does He regret us. And deep down inside, we know we could never, ever turn our backs on those precious ones God has tasked us to raise up for His glory. Take heart. Enjoy the good days and bask in the joy. And when your heart is low, look up. Eyes on Christ. Find your perspective, for this trial, too, shall pass. God is on the throne; He sees it all! Nothing escapes His notice, and He makes all things GOOD for those who love Him. Make sure you love Him.
His hand, Mama, is on your head tonight. No matter what you’re going through. You are sheltered by your Father, the perfect Parent. No fear.
– Love, Gena
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28